Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Partner Ideas

Team Members: Joshlynne Ziegler and Cody Wilhelm

So one of our ideas were to make a 3D map of campus and mark certain buildings.  Then using Slime Mold, we would use it to see about which the best route would be to take through campus.  Instead of using Slime Mold, since we don't have any, we would just use students.


Team Members: Cody Wilhelm and Joshlynne Ziegler.
The first complex system we thought of was of the stop light system. BasicStoplight is a small Max7 program I put together of a a single, time based  stoplight intersection. (It is in pdf format so I could upload, to run it in max download and change the file extension back to .maxpat ) However, so much more could be added to this. The time of day affects how a stoplight reacts, they now have sensors to monitor if a car comes in the not so busy lane to avoid unnecessary changing, how they communicate with the stoplights next to them, and many more factors that could be involved. I would love to get a look at the code, then I could fully understand how a stoplight works, however, this would most likely have to be done through hours of surveillance of multiple stoplights hat the same time, and trying to deduce a pattern.

Reading 4 Week 5

AI & Cybernetics, Paul Pangaro

·      Cybernetics is about having a goal and then taking action to achieve said goal.  Feedback is what you get in order to know whether or not you have achieved your goal.
·      Cybernetics came from the Latin word Govern, which Plato used to describe the government,
·      Norbert Weiner used the term cybernetics to describe: electrical engineering, mathematics, biology, neurophysiology, anthropology and psychology.
·      Cybernetics is referred to as applied epistemology, because it is limited to what we can know
·      “They quote Maturana: “Learning is not a process of accumulation of representations of the environment; it is a continuous process of transformation of behavior through continuous change in the capacity of the nervous system to synthesize it. Recall does not depend on the indefinite retention of a structural invariant that represents an entity (an idea, image or symbol),but on the functional ability of the system to create, when certain recurrent demands are given, a behavior that satisfies the recurrent demands or that the observer would class as a reenacting of aprevious one.” (Maturana 1980)


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week 4 Readings


I like how They used the economy as an example for nested complex systems.  Economy> Organizations> People> Cells.  It was a good example of complex systems inside of complex systems.

Made of closely connected Parts;
I also got that complexity is a matter of opinion and differs points of view.  The cracked mud for example.  Far away it seems simple and not complex, but upon closer inspection, you see the cracks in the mud and the patterns and it gets more complex the closer you get.  Not just the patten but what it is made of.

  1. Strong dynamical non-linearity, often though not necessarily involving positive and negative feedback
  2. Balance of exploitation and exploration
  3. Multiple interactions"

"And a general point I want to make here is that we have been dazzled by Mondrian. Instead of seeing dualist detachment and domination as a move, a tactic, a ploy, a very specific way of living, in the flow of becoming, we tend to mistake it for the world itself."

Thursday, February 5, 2015


So I want to build a Robot, a simple moving robot that is solar powered.  I've seen many videos and read a lot of directions for building one.  So I believe it is doable in the time frame.  I would however if possible like to add maybe blinking lights?  Or an led strip of sorts to the bottom so that the path is lit.

I want to combine 2 models I've seen to make it a solar powered bot instead of running it off of batteries.

2 - 1,5V motors
2 - SPDT switchs mechanically easy to trigger
2 - AA battery
1 - AA battery holder
1 - plastic or wooden pearl
1 - heat shrink that will fit over the motor shaft

1.5v solar panel, probably much bigger to be able to actually power the bot
Soldering Gun
Glue Gun
Wires for connecting.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Readings 2


·      Transitioning from Object oriented to a Systems oriented culture, meaning not focusing on the things, or objects, but how they are done.

·      “One of the artist’s responsibilities would be to magnify how “technology uses us.”” (Burnham 1969: 146)

·      Gell talks about “art becoming enfranchised as an art object”, therefore you can only talk about it in art context, nothing else.  It’s interesting that he didn’t want to label his examples as art in order for it not to be group or label as such because he wanted it to be discussed in other context.

·      I liked that Burnham and Gell both viewed art as more than an object, as processes and doings.    I also liked how they mention that art is limited in what it can be in the institutions because they like to label and put boundaries on what art is and can be.

·      “Doing” “Doing theories of art shift the focus from the aesthetics of art objects to the aesthetics of relationships, between people and their environments. “The organic connection between art and its environment is so meaningful and necessary that removing one from the other results in abortion.” (Kaprow 1961: 85)”

o   I like how they focus on “Doing” not as in the actual, but focusing on the relationship people and their environment.

·       “Systems can be static/dynamic Õ which can be linear/closed loop Õ which can be recirculating/selfregulating Õ which can be first-/second order Õ which can be self-adjusting/learning.”


·      Media Art as having blurred and complex boundaries.  I like this particular statement, meaning that others realize the potential and almost limitless boundaries.  You cannot necessarily just stop and say that it is done, because it can always be improved upon and made better.

·      Simple ideas and plans are a good start, but even the most simple plan is complex with many components.

·      Always seek other people opinions and examples when working, it can lead to bigger, more broad ideas that you may not have realized at first.