Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Readings 1

*updated version*

-“What are Cybernetics and Systems Science?”, F. Heylighen, C. Joslyn & V. Turchin
·      Systems Theory focuses on the structure of a system, while cybernetics focuses on how the system functions.

-Cybernetics, Gordon Pask

·      Most of this article refers to Cybernetics as a series of learning.  Cybernetics is used as a way to understand the systems around us to help us learn to control and understand various factors and systems.  To make it easier for us to understand, such as the brain, plants, environment, etc.

-Systems Theories:

·      Cybernetics and Complex Systems are being used as synonyms.
·      Systems Theory “focuses on complexity and interdependence”, meaning there are a lot of parts and it depends (relies) on itself.
·      An Organization/ company is a form of system.  They rely on feedback and people in order to better themselves and their standing.
·      Systems Theory and Order, good example was the animals and then being effected by outside diseases that lead to animal decline, followed by regrowth of the population to food shortages and eventually decline in animals again as the cycle repeats itself in order to maintain balance.
·      Holistic, the wholeness, refers to observing the system as a whole and not separately on in parts, or taking it apart in order to study individual parts of the system.
·      Isomorphism, meaning equal shape.

-Systems Concepts:

·      I knew most of the concepts and terms in a general basis.  It was however interesting to think of them in a more broad way, instead of just simple literary use. 
·      Autopoiesis for example, means self- production.  When you think of self-production you think of things that create on their own, typically living forms such as plants, producing vegetation, or spreading and growing.
·      An example of this was given in class, the growing of metal in a alcohol solution with batteries. 

-Systems Art:

·      As Someone who has done a bit of Systematic Art and Painting (in the form of coding), it was interesting to see other ways how art can be incorporated and translated to a non-traditional form, such as Generative Systems.
·      In Generative Systems, the use of algorithms and computing codes and patterns for the machine or cyborg to paint was interesting.

-Systems Aesthetics:

·      Reading that Systems Art in Military wasn’t something I was familiar with, but as I read that portion, it made sense in that it takes programmers and people to develop these “systems” and “technologies” that make out lives not only easier, but can make them safer.
·      “Scientists and technicians are not converted into "artists," rather the artist becomes a symptom of the schism between art and technics.”  This quote in particular made me think of Socially Engaged Art.  As a way of using “Art” in all its forms and techniques as a way to inform people.  To show processes and issues  in the world and community and how to correct or be handle them.

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