Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Man-Machine Coupling

“In the physical realm it will process data to solve problems and give information in any area of human interest. It will make decisions. It will execute prescribed courses of action.

In the psychological realm it will analyze personality and diagnose psychiatric problems. It will prescribe courses of action appropriate to personality and, by repeated suggestion and testing, effect psychiatric cures.”

This got me thinking about how much technology is advancing and whether or not It is such a good thing.  While robots and machines are modeled after human behavior with humans in mind, is it really ok for machines to diagnose psychological problems? 

When it comes to physical and biological problems and tests are ran that is one thing.  But how can a machine decide psychological problems when humans already have issues misdiagnosing?  How is a machine able to make the right diagnoses when what it is modeled after has trouble.

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